Midland School

Dec 2, 2021 (Last modified Dec 20, 2021)
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The Blueprint for Education

Midland School is a small, co-ed, college preparatory boarding school near Los Olivos, California, founded in 1932, by Kent School and Harvard graduate Paul Squibb.

The School has been using the "Groups" feature of the Data Basin Platform to share data, maps, and other information in a consolidated space on the Santa Barbara County Conservation Blueprint Atlas.

A couple of those Groups are highlighted to the below, right.

As of Fall 2021, the work will continue on in the digital mapping unit next semester.

SB Atlas Admin. 2021. Midland School. In: Data Basin. [First published in Data Basin on Dec 2, 2021; Last Modified on Dec 20, 2021; Retrieved on Mar 12, 2025] <https://databasin.org/articles/1a02fcc1fccc42c9a2f796803f0a5c2e/>

About the Author

SB Atlas Admin
Admin Account with Santa Barbara County Conservation Blueprint

The purpose of the Blueprint is to provide a public data platform and common language to support in depth conversations and decisions about our shared aspirations. This collaborative project aims to describe the current landscape, natural resources, and community values about land in Santa Barbara...