Dibblee Geology - Northern, Santa Barbara County

Oct 15, 2018 (Last modified Aug 23, 2021)
Created by SB Atlas Admin
Open Map
Recommended by SB Atlas Admin
This map shows Dibblee Geology datasets across the northern portion of Santa Barbara County. To see the original scanned geology maps click the info button at the top of the map and select the quad your interested in and follow the USGS Map Link.

To learn more about using the Atlas please visit our tutorial here: SB Atlas Tutorial , or watching a guided video here: SB Atlas Tutorial Video.

Please contact info@sbcblueprint.net if you have any questions on this map or the Atlas.
Dustin Pearce
Use Constraints
Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
This map is visible to everyone
Included in 2 Public Galleries

About the Map Author

SB Atlas Admin
Admin Account with Santa Barbara County Conservation Blueprint

The purpose of the Blueprint is to provide a public data platform and common language to support in depth conversations and decisions about our shared aspirations. This collaborative project aims to describe the current landscape, natural resources, and community values about land in Santa Barbara...